Daria Krotova is a sculptor and visual artist. She has participated in more than 60 individual and group exhibitions, in France, Austria, Germany, Russia, the UK, Lithuania, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, Israel, Georgia and Turkey.
Her works are in public and private collections in more than 10 countries, including the New Art Trust (Kramlich collection), Charles Saatchi (UK), Fonds Carta (France), Tretyakov Gallery (Russia). Her work was presented at several contemporary art fairs (Art Paris, Vienna Contemporary, Art Vilnius, Cosmoscow, Art Moscow, Tbilisi Art Fair, Contemporary Istanbul).
Daria has a triple degree in psychology, neuropsychology and art history from institutions in Russia, the USA and France). She has also translated major authors like Maurice Blanchot, Gilles Deleuze, Francis Ponge and William Butler Yeats.
Alongside her career in contemporary art, Daria taught ceramics and sculpture, notably developing courses for children and young adults with neurodevelopment disorders.
Daria Krotova is a member of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), the International Academy of Ceramics (IAC) and the International Association of Art Critics (AICA).
She lives and works in France.
Carcasse, Le 33, Marseille. (Exposition Personnelle)
Un escargot sous le chiffon, Galerie Tonka, Paris.
Oubliez la fenêtre ouverte. Mas des Bories. Salon en Provence (EP)
Etats d’âme. International Biennale of Paper Art (selected artist). Lucca, Italy
Anthology of the Russian Poor. Heritage Gallery. Moscow Cosmoscow Contemporary Art Fair.
Cosmoscow Art Fair. Design Now. Heritage Gallery, Moscow
In Situ/In Vivo. State Silk Museum. Tbilisi.
Philosophy of a Common Goal. Cosmoscow Art Fair.
Father’s image. Tbilisi Art Fair (selected artist).
Paper Notions, Fabrika Centre for Creative Industries (Trans Europe Halles). Moscow.
(EP) Family Archive. Theater am Steg. Baden, Austria.
Who Are We? (Inclusive project -artist & curator). Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow
Harvesting Rain, Gallery Iragui (EP) Interior Sea. Vladivostok Biennale of Contemporary Art Recycled Landscapes. New Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow.
Nature Morte (inclusive project, artist & curator). Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow
Natures Mortes. CCA Vinzavod. Moscow. Belleville-Belaevo (French-Russian project). Belaevo Gallery. Moscow
Propaganda. Art Vilnius (selected artist)
Gregor Samsa Sister Syndrome. Gallery Iragui.
Moscow Fabrica Vitae. Stradins Museum. Riga
Pink Box. Gallery Erarta. Saint Petersburg
Influences. CCA Artplay. Moscow
Thoughts out loud. Zverev Center. Moscow
Parka’s Cover. CCA Vinzavod. Moscow (EP)
Vienna Art Fair (Gallery Iragui)
Contemporary Istanbul Art Fair (Gallery Iragui)
Sunny Side of Lenin Street. TM Project. Geneva
Media Court. Biennale of Contemporary Art. Moscow
Art Moscow. Multiverse (curated show).
Art Paris. (Gallery Iragui)
Under one sky. Krokin Gallery (Moscow Planetarium project)
Gaiety is the Most Outstanding Feature of the Soviet Union. Saatchi Gallery
Kremlin. Studio KOP. Moscow
Dust. Art & Science Laboratory. Moscow
Lucky Numbers. Sotheby’s. Moscow.
Witnesses. Iragui Gallery. Moscow (EP).
Russian Landscape. Guelman Gallery. Moscow
Races. Biennale of Contemporary Art. Moscow
Heritage. Roots Contemporary. Brussels (EP)
Bugs/Flowers, Garage Gallery, Moscow.
Art Moscow Fair (Krokin Gallery)
Fast Art 3. Art Moscow Fair (curated show)
Gallery Ravenscourt (Moscow, London, Brussels)
Tractor Drivers. Krokin Gallery. Moscow
Simple Things. Triumph Gallery. Moscow
Invasion: Evasion. Baibakova Art Projects. Moscow
Fast Art 2. CCA Winzavod. Moscow
Joyful Morgue. Art Moscow Fair (curated project)
Soyuzniki. Residence of the European Union. Moscow

Cou #1 - €4.000

Bottes - €4.500

Boîte noire - €4.300

Savon et soude - €1.300

Artichaut et amandes - €615

Ennuie - €500


Souliers - €600

Mouches blanches


Devant la grille

Femmes derrière les barreaux

Mirer - €600

Gant vert - €2.400

Net bag with garlic - €2.600

Potatoes on a plate - €2.000

Green Artichokes - €1.300

Green net with eggplants - €2.000